HAPPY NEW YEAR!! To all my friends, cheerleader & family. Its been a long time for not blogging. All i can say is DEC 2008 is the busiest month of 2008!!~ Loads, tons of work waiting me to handle. My dad's benz got hit by a crv on the 27th dec,some mad speedy bang kiss my dad's benz at connought highway. The CRV got turn over and unbelievely the driver was safe, minor injury on hand, but my dad's benz ass heavily damaged, C&C workshop quotated 100k to fix up the ass, so my dad have to claim and declaire loss(write off/ take the money and not driving benz anymore). Meanwhile for god sick, i also have a accident on 2nd jan minite, as my car slip to the side of a diveder as the road is too slippery,i send my vios to toyota workshop at sek217 and Mr.Lim quo me 5k to fix the car. Gosh, i have to run up and down recently to police station, workshop at sek15.. Luckily the insurans company TOKIO MARINES and workshop is pro enuff to get my car fix well but I have no vios for bout 2 weeks. Well, currently i m drivin my dad's fiat coupe. I will be drivin my dad to airport this midnite flight to vietnam as we got a fashion shot shoot at hanoi on sat, unfortune i cant leave K.L as my passport is expired and i have wedding to shoot this weekend.. busy busy BUSY!!! Here is some flash back pictures of dec, meanwhile, i wish u all happy chinese new year!!! I cant wait for my bonus.
Candy's Birthday on 24th Dec

My Darling Sarpor/Bibi/Candy, Muack!!~ with her girl girl in Kimono

Cutting cake wiv all her biao mei

Sinaju on SALE!!~ New release at BTS time mechine,selling at RM300 (by plane)!!~ actually can get it 7000yen (3.5 X 70 = RM241) by ship but have to wait longer for it.

Best DimSum shop in town so far, at damansara jaya, have to Q for seat

Family preparing to makan

SiuLongBao also available in this dimsum shop

Mussel topping wiv prawn and cheese

Hao Gao & Siu Mai

Largest Dharma Talk by Master WEILUI at Bukit Jallil 30,31 Dec. Yup, No countdown celebrate for me.

Videographer from Taiwan, covering audience shot.

Bout 10,000 people there listening

Gary Cao perform for LUBE WORLD grand annual dinner at genting

Advantages of a videographer, Get close to artist, lols.. sumtimes only la